It's astounding. It gives a view in to South African history few have seen, and none are taught in history class. While not always technically perfect, his work strikes a chord - he's seen such incredible things.
And I think more than that, why this book is so special, is it's inspired me to take up photography again. I've seen such amazing places in the last two years, and had such opportunities, but have turned little of it into more than a happy-snap.
So one of my aims for this year (lets not call it a resolution shall we), is to invest in a new camera, relearn my art, and start improving, with the aim to one day setting up my own dark room and generating my work - a dream I had so long ago.
*tingle tingle*

1 comment:
I've seen that book, his photo's tell such stories about our country. He manages to capture so much in a single pic.
Start clicking !
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