Robin and I went to see Wonderboom launch their new CD last night. The venue was a bit odd for a live gig, but it was good to see them again. It wasn't their best perfomance, but they're always a crowd pleaser. I also took photographs for the first time in years. Proper rock gig scuse-me-i'm-coming-through-and-i-have-a-camera pics. It's been so long, and those were always my favourite to do. It's such a rush, and I think i'm pretty good at getting in there and getting the shot I want. Anyway, last night was the first time in a long time, so I was a little rusty, and I was using an unfamiliar camera, but it felt so amazing. I've resovled to get myself a decent camera again (mine died), and actually start chasing the pics again. It's a little different from before, as I'm not working towards a student portfolio, or to complete a project, but I want to get my body of work back up. So look out guys - you going to be seeing me under your stages a lot more from now on :o)

And the thing about my prezzies - they're so totally me. So completely well chosen for me. I'm not sure many people would appreciate that I got a TEN INCH TOKIDOKI TREXI!!!!! But OMG that's huge! :oD
There were music videos, vinyl toys, bonsai trees, wallpaper vinyls, chocolates, an external drive designed by Porche (!) - all while sipping our valentine's champagne. We eventually fell asleep after 1.
This morning I got woken up by a really, really early phone call. Needless to say I stuck it under a pillow. Then it was time for more prezzies! More vinyl toys, tim burton toys, clothing, jewellery, victoria secrets make up! It's all just too much I tell you.
In fact, I think I should leave work right now and go home to play with my loot.
Into work, and one of my colleagues had left me a gift on my desk. She's so incredibly sweet. She's remembered mine and robin's birthdays every year for the last three years. My close friends don't even always get that right. And then there were my birthday emails - thanks guys - I love it when people remember :o)
So all in all, it's shaping up to be a really good day. We haven't decided yet what we're doing tonight, but it's either dinner somewhere, or at home watching season one of Scrubs (which I got us for Valentine's day). Looking forward to it :o)
Thanks everyone - you've made it a wonderful day.
cool bananas! what a fab birthday…
you need to get hooked up with a flickr PRO account for all your fab pics. How about some pics of your birthday stash?
Eish. I'm not a fan of flickr. It's just not that pretty.
Pics of stash... NOW u talking!
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