It seemed like just another social event that needed planning, coordinating and cake lifts. But it was so much more. It was the first time Robin's family met mine. The first time my mom met his. The first time my mom and dad have really spoken since I was 17. The first time my mom and Ingrid have EVER met (this was a biggie). The first time I felt like I was really entering Robin's family, and that they accepted me. The first time our engagement became real for a lot of people. The first time I used my new GHD (also a biggie :oP).
Considering all of this, and all the pressure, it went really well. Everyone got on (no one mention to two dutch people singing in the corner), and everyone had plenty bubbles, vino and tasty treats. For me, it was a success. A chance to see that these people are all actually really great - despite your opinions about your family every other day of the week.
Added to which everyone had to bring us a bottle of wine as an entrance fee, so we're well stocked if we ever get snowed in :o)

BTW, this was my 100th post!
As significant as your engagement party was, nothing will compare to the life changing capabilities of the GHD. Only like the cleverest thing invented in a long time. I've been meaning to blog the joys of GHD for a while now, I must go spread the Word.
congratz again - only best wishes to you both!
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