I've shared a little about where we're going and what we're doing, but every day our plans become a little firmer. As we stand now, we're going to

New York for a week, then we fly to San Francisco for four days, then it's off to Las Vegas for two days (via the Grand Canyon) then back to NY. Sounds busy huh?
And each spot is packed full of stuff! NY includes Sunday at the men's US Open final, dinner at
The Asiate on top of the Columbus building,

Thursday on Coney island, Thursday night at
Yankee Stadium watching the Yankees play and of course oodles of shopping and major landmarks.

Our four days in SF include the Golden Gate bridge, Alcatraz, Triburone across the river, oodles of shopping, and a drive into the winelands where they filmed
Sideways. Did I mention shopping?
We're then going south to Vegas, where we're hiring a car and driving through to the Grand Canyon.

You can't really go all that way and not see one of the wonders of the world now can you? We'll probably stay out in canyon area overnight before we drive back in to Vegas to go stay at the MGM Grand (pictured below). I'm so excited to take pics in Vegas - it must be insane! We'll be attending
Cirque du Soleil's performance of "O" that night at the Bellagio daaaahling... Very swank ;o)
And even more exciting - pretty soon the pics of all these places will have been taken by me!
If I'm good can I come too?
Can you curl up rilly rilly small? Cos i need space for my SHOPPING!
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